The love YOU share gives neighbors like Skyler hope for a better life…
The love YOU share
gives neighbors like Skyler hope for a better life…
span style=”font-weight: 400;”>As a teenager, Skyler felt socially awkward, and his family life was fractured and stressful. “I started doing illicit substances when I was 13. I wanted to feel cool, and I thought they would help me chill out.”
At 15, his dad caught him using illicit substances, but instead of punishing Skyler, he joined him. “I didn’t have a real father figure in my life. He didn’t reprimand my behavior, and our actions cut us off from the rest of my family.”
As he fell deeper into addiction, he pulled further away from the people who loved him. “I couldn’t take the guilt and remorse of seeing my mom and brother’s disappointment.” He wound up homeless and he couldn’t hold down a regular job.
Skyler knew that Coachella Valley Rescue Mission could help him escape his addiction, but he needed help taking the step. “I told my mom, ‘Don’t give me money. Drive me there. Drop me off at the doors and you’ll see a change because I know they can help.’”
“I was so lost and confused, I had no purpose in my life.”
At the Mission, Skyler progressed from the Gateway Program to New Life as soon as possible – he was committed to changing. “People told me I would wind up back on the streets, but I knew that with Jesus in my life, I could make it.”
Finding brotherhood with fellow Mission clients, Skyler began healing from the deep pain and loneliness that had driven his addiction. “I’ve strengthened my bond with Jesus Christ, and the accountability and the community… it lifts me up when I’m down.”
Skyler now has strength for his future because of your heart of compassion for him and other neighbors in need. Because you chose to share God’s love, he has a path forward in life. “The Mission has helped me heal and brought my family back into my life. My parents are healthy and proud of me. I see myself as an actual creation of God. I know He’s going to achieve great things in my life.”
To read our 2024 Summer issue of A New Dawn, click here.
Help other people like Skyler…
Skyler’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our New Life Programs exist to help other men and women in the Coachella Valley find healing. Will you help provide this help to others?