Coachella Valley Rescue Mission
When Jacy was a little girl, she longed to feel safe and loved, but it wasn’t to be. “My parents were addicts and my home was dysfunctional,” she says. “I was totally broken.”
By the time she was 12, she was numbing her pain with drugs, and before long, she found herself in trouble with the law. But God used it for good. “I found Jesus in Juvenile Hall, when I was 17.”
Her faith changed her. She was doing well, happy and hopeful, so the authorities sent her back home, where nothing had changed. Jacy relapsed. But, in the days to follow, in spite of her addiction, she sensed that God had something wonderful in store for her life. “Even through all the dysfunction, I knew it.”
That hope led her to seek help through our New Life Program, where Bible studies, chapel service and Christian fellowship have drawn her back to the Lord and shown her how to live a godly life. “I pray all the time and God talks to me through Scripture,” she says. “Now I know how to be a better person. I’m more caring, loving and understanding.”
Through life skills classes and Christian counseling, Jacy has also addressed the underlying issues of her addiction. “Letting everything out and talking about it has helped me heal, forgive and learn to love myself.”
“Now, I feel beautiful, positive and confident.”
Jacy graduated from the program and is married now, to a man who also found freedom in Christ here at the Mission. The couple have a home of their own, good jobs and a beautiful baby, everything Jacy could want. “The Mission gave us a new life, the chance to be a family and reach our goals and dreams.”
Her heart is overflowing with gratitude this Thanksgiving because YOUR loving support gave her the confidence and support to rebuild her life. “I was broken, but the Mission saved me, changed me and gave me another chance at life.”
To read our Fall 2022 issue of A New Dawn, click here.
Help other people like Jacy…
Jacy’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our New Life Programs exist to help other men and women in the Coachella Valley find healing. Will you help provide this help to others?