Chrishaun is celebrating Easter with JOY
Thank you for showing him that new life is possible.
Chrishaun was trapped in a vicious cycle of homelessness and addiction. After losing a job, he turned to substances, seeking to numb his frustration and have fun with friends. His family started to notice that he was in trouble. “They didn’t say much, but they were hard on me, showing me tough love… but it pushed me away.”
His life spiraled out of control, the addiction got worse and he lost all motivation. “I couldn’t get work, because I wasn’t trying. I ended up on the streets, alienated from my family.” When his family encouraged him to seek help, he thought they were simply trying to get rid of him.
He fought against the people in his life who showed concern, convinced they were worried over nothing. “I believed everything was under wraps and unseen… but really I was in denial.”
At his rock bottom he was sleeping in parks and alleys, collecting recyclable cans for food money. “I realized that anything was better than this.” He listened to his family and turned to the Mission.
“I believe it was God that got me here.”
“They made me feel welcome instantly, and I got along with the people here right away.” Encouraged by the warm, uplifting community at the Mission, Chrishaun dedicated himself to turning his life around through the New Life Program. “I wanted to focus on bettering myself and my relationship with God.”
As he progressed through the program – and worked in the warehouse assisting with sorting donations – Chrishaun rediscovered his sense of self-worth and motivation for his future. “After I graduate from the Mission, I want to go to trade school to be an electrician. But I definitely plan on coming back as often as possible.”
Thank you for sharing God’s love with Chrishaun this Easter. His life has been renewed through the joy and hope of the Gospel! “I’m proud of myself, even though it was a struggle. Coming here was the best decision in my life. This place truly has amazing, amazing people and they gave me a real chance to start again.”
To read our 2024 Easter issue of A New Dawn, click here.
Help other people like Chrishaun…
Chrishaun’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our New Life Programs exist to help other men and women in the Coachella Valley find healing. Will you help provide this help to others?