Chris describes his life before the Mission as a roller coaster: “Heading every which way… Things are great, and then it takes a sudden dive.” Chris had no peace. His spirit was in a constant state of anxiety.
As a kid, Chris says he was a “goofball,” getting involved in the wrong things out of innocent curiosity. But it quickly escalated, and Chris discovered drugs were “great at covering up all the issues of life.”
Finally, Chris realized he didn’t want to live that life anymore. He wanted to address his issues face-on. But he arrived at the Mission a bit uneasy. A life of uncertainty had made him afraid to trust.
However, one of our staff members showed him compassion – something Chris hadn’t seen from anyone in a very long time.
“He told me to just enjoy this new chapter of my life because everything was going to be alright.” Peace washed over Chris.
Everything did turn around. The Mission gave him warm, clean clothes, and as for meals, Chris says, “We eat like kings.”
But the most important gift Chris says he has received is learning about Christ. “The Christian discipleship program seeks to pull us out of the rat race and put us in a life that has purpose… that really gives a more defined light at the end of the tunnel.”
In the New Life Program, which includes counseling, job training and classes, Chris says, “They really bring me down to earth. They get me out of my head and make me more aware of my environment, of my own emotions.”
The leadership has had a profound impact on Chris too. “They are nice, kind people who really make you feel comfortable about being here… they are all very humble.”
At the Mission, he says they equip you for real recovery with Christ at the center. “To take all our worries and doubts in ourselves and give them to God is liberating.”
Chris hopes to become a missionary one day and is thrilled by his transformation thanks to God’s love in his life – and your support. “This Mission is a seed, and we are the result of it flourishing. Our successes, our actions, what we do with our lives give testament to the works of the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission.”
To read our most recent issue of A New Dawn, click here.