One day, after years of abuse and addiction, Eva had a tough choice to make: stay trapped in a dangerous and painful situation, or make drastic changes.
“It wasn’t always so bad,” explains Eva. “My husband and I had three daughters and a successful marriage at first.”
Fifteen years down the road, Eva realized she was caught in a life of drugs and suffering.
“I felt very broken and I wasn’t okay in my own skin anymore,” she says. Eva moved out with her kids, and found a steady job. Within seven years of being sober, she was able to establish herself as a manager with 35 employees under her.
Then out of nowhere, Eva found herself and her daughter, Sahrah, in a scary situation with her husband once again. The abuse and addiction had returned.
One day, it became worse than she could imagine. Her husband sabotaged her car and attacked her, with even more serious threats. In an instant, she and thirteen-year-old Sahrah fled with just a few clothes to their name.
Eva and Sahrah drove on a prayer to the Mission, where Eva joined our New Life Program and began piecing her and her daughter’s lives back together.
Now, Sahrah is attending school and finding support from other girls at the Mission, while Eva continues to learn how to be a present mother and reenter the workforce with confidence, skills and sobriety.
Eva and Sahrah are grateful to the Mission for so much: providing necessities, offering counseling and Godly guidance, and allowing them to stay together during this transformation.
“So much has been given to use freely,” Eva says. “We only hope to give back for all these blessings.”
To read our most recent issue of A New Dawn, click here.